The pandemic has brought it home the importance of meaningful
human interaction
Dynamique - a premier market leading market asset risk management CPD/trainer/knowledge transfer enterprise with pedigree stretching back over 25 years in capital market intelligence.
The pandemic is causing uncertainty and anxiety around important business decisions. Global peace, which has been aided and abetted by agreed adherence to global rules has been upended by increasing global geo-political risks. Many of the traditional ways of carrying out business have been “turned on their head” leading to resets of business models.
Demand for instant transaction gratification has put significant strain on business deliverables. Staff are also pushing back against some of worst aspects of gig economies, use of algo and artificial intelligence implementation where these technologies, created by data-scientists result in miserable and unsustainable working environments and conditions. A life time spent sitting in front of a screen is not sustainable from mental and physical health perspective.
Firms need to ensure their workforce from boardroom down are given every chance to obtain job satisfaction, have the opportunity to use initiative, given continuous training and personal development. These support tools help reduce staff churn increase job satisfaction and prevent deteriorations in client relationships, product, service, and compliance as staff no longer care or feel valued.
At board level the first question the Chair should ask is “what is wrong with our business?” The board’s role is about problem solving, “all of enterprise risk” and ensure the firm has sufficient resources to deliver its business model in a compliant and “client experience successful” manner. You are not alone in needing help.
This is where Dynamique can help you reset aspects of your business which has been constrained by “legacy systems, processes, client service attitudes (both in-house and external) and out-dated work practices”, get back on track.
Using technology for technology’s sake is a no-no without thinking through all likely scenarios, both good and bad, created by ill-thought out applications. Many applications are used once and then discarded. How we can help you.
optimizing your business performance and client relationships for a "win/win" situation for all stakeholders
business etiquette, how you interact with all stakeholders can be critical to the success or failure of your enterprise
keep your teams happy by good communication, participation, and professional development
review operating culture both in-house and externally with all stakeholders
Let’s have an informal no obligation chat now to see how we could help and put your firm on the road to a more sustainable future for all stakeholders.